Sunday, 13 May 2012

Assignment 1 WIP 2

Hi Mr Ron,

I tried working on the textures of the gun today.
Below are the reference images I found:

Basically I want to achieve the slight gloss and slight matte material of real machine guns. 
Below are the pictures of my tries:

I applied Mia_x material to all the gun's body parts and made the gloss to the lowest. But it needs more gloss.

Here I increased the gloss of the middle body part of the gun. It looks shinier than the other parts, example like the handle.

I changed the colour of the gun to black. From here, the difference between the gun's middle body and the handle can be seen. Glossy and non glossy.


Assignment 1 WIP

Hi Mr Ron, this is my work in progress for last week.

This is a SS of the terrain i created. Will modify it.

This is a SS of the script i used to make the character move.

This will be the gun im working on.
